
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Harvest moon

Suzanne and I got at 6:40am this morning and rushed to festival park in order to see the harvest moon at its peak time this morning. These pictures barely show the true beauty we saw this morning. We took binoculars and the view was simply awesome.

Since we live in the mountains you can see the moon was already starting to disappear over the mountain top.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Reinhardt gets first football win

Reinhardt gets first win 19-14 over Kentucky Christian. But it wasn't easy. They were losing 14-13 and scored with fifteen seconds to go in the game. The game was played in Kentucky.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

First Reinhardt home football game

Suzanne and I went to the very first home game today.

Here is the very first play as Reinhardt kicks off.

The band played at halftime

But unfortunately we lost the game 50-45.

You can click on the picture for an enlargement.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Reinhardt football

We received our football tickets in the mail for the very first home game to be played at Reinhardt University. It should be interesting to see how huge the crowd will be and how they handle the parking.

They actually played their first game yesterday against Mercer in Macon and lost 40-37.