
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Last game of season

Derek and Karen came down for Easter and Saturday night they took me to the last hockey game of the season. The seats were in the very first row.

Can't get any closer unless you wore a black and white shirt, a helmet and can blow a whistle.

We won 4-1

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Global warming

Surprise Surprise!

Time to open Christmas presents.

Oh, I forgot, Happy Easter this Sunday.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Plant surprise

We have had these two indoor plants for over five years. One is sprouting a flower for the first time.

Looks like twins!

I'll name them bud and bloom.

Come back soon to see the full bloom. You may not see another one until you become a grandparent like us.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Burst of spring

Went to the library today and caught a view of approaching spring.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

There she goes

Senior Kelsey hits her fourth home run in two days and Reinhardt wins a double header 3-1 and 7-5 to go 6-0 in conference and 24-3 overall. New NAIA rankings come out tomorrow and Reinhardt (ranked 13th) should move up in the rankings.

The only sad note: we gave up a run in the fourth inning. Our first in 27 games: remarkable.

The good note: Our starting lineup of nine players consist of six freshman.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Trip to Cleveland, Georgia

Yesterday I went to Cleveland which was a trip of 68 miles to see Reinhardt softball girls win 9-0 and 11-2.

Here are some pictures of the trip including Truett-McConnell college. The first picture is the town square.

The following are from the college.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

D&D it B

Daylight savings time and  Daffodil's it be. Goodbye snow for awhile.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Has not snowed all winter and here it is in March and snows twice in four days.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

First snow

While we were at John Griffin's we got our first snow this winter.

Although the snow was lighter than what Kingsport,  TN and Lubbock, TX  got this year it was more than Naples, Fl got. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Softball trip and John Griffin weekend

Last Thursday we left for Franklin Springs, Ga to see Reinhardt play Emmanuel College. Since John Griffin is only 23 miles away he came down for the first game that we won 10-0. He then took Suzanne back to his house while I stayed for the second game that we won 6-0.

The ball park had a high hill on the left side and gave me a perfect view of the field for taking action pictures. Here are three of the many I took (you can click on the picture for an enlargement).

We stayed with John through the weekend and got to see Josh also who was passing through.