
Monday, December 31, 2012


           To everyone HAPPY NEW YEAR.

May the new year bring a lot of CHEER.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Cooking highlight

Here it is Sunday and the cooking highlight of Christmas week is:

It even got the seal of approval from Wagner (the jumping dog)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Atlanta Botanical Garden Lights - Part 1

A nightime visit to the Botanical Garden lights.


Atlanta Botanical Garden Lights - Part 2

The visit would not be complete without seeing the trains.


Friday, December 28, 2012

Coca Cola Exhibit

We visited the Coca Cola exhibit in downtown Atlanta with the Morgan family from Naples, Fl.

We entered the vault where the secret formula is kept.

Later, we visited the Botanical Gardens light show which will be posted tomorrow.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas night

All of the packages have been opened and the evening becomes peaceful.

It is time to say thanks for the presents.
Mackenzie:  Thanks Dad  (by text)
Dad:             Thanks Mac (by text)

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas cookie frosting event

Ladies and Gentlemen; warm up your hands and stretch your fingers. It is time to start the main event.

Mackenzie starts with a finger roll. Hit the cymbals!

Mason rushes the cookie and knocks it down. Football cheer please.
It's early in the game and the cookies put up a good fight.
The final score 78-0. It would have been higher but the winning team was penalized ten cookies by eating from out of bounds.
For your viewing pleasure, you can click on the pictures to enlarge.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Seasons Greetings

We wreath you a merry Christmas from the Guske's at Lake Arrowhead.


Friday, December 21, 2012

Miracle Grow saves the day

We used Miracle Grow the last two nights to fertilize our Christmas Tree and perk it up.


WOW! This stuff works FAST!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Domino Olympics

Here are the results.

United States          Gold
Puerto Rico             Silver
Jamaica                   Bronze

The score of 308 puts me in eight place worldwide for all scores. First place with a score of 330 is from Brazil.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Downsizing Christmas

  We bought our Christmas tree today. Isn't it a beauty?

Dog talk

Tula is bronze and mature; Tori is black and white and still a puppy.

Tori:  What is he doing Tula?
Tula:  He is going to take our picture.

Tori: Naw, I don't think so.
Tula: Sure he is see the camera?

Tula:  Why are you shaking your head?
Tori: I don't believe you.
Tula:  Now do you believe me?
Tori: No, I am confused.
Tori:  Come back I want to play some more! And, next time clean your lens on your IPOD first dumb human! And, we deserve better so next time use your Cannon!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Home cooked meal

We went to the grocery store to buy food for a home cooked meal while the parents were out of town.

Apparently the stress was too much for the grandkids.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Natural Tunnel State Park - WARNING!

If you have not seen the pictures please click on part 1 on the right of the screen and view in order moving up to each part posted afterwards (three parts posted).  Enjoy our adventure.

Natural Tunnel State Park - Part 3

I hear a train coming we all cried out.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Natural Tunnel State Park - Part 2

As we walked down the winding trail we crossed under the lift. I paused for a second and wished it was working knowing I was going to have to WALK uphill when we left. Hope that cortisone shot keeps working.

There are actually two tunnels; the smaller one is to the south and is more scenic.
And the wider one to the north.

The viewing stand provided good visability to both tunnels.

Gosh, wouldn't it be perfect to see a train come through?  WAIT, did we just hear a distant train horn?
To be continued.................................

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Natural Tunnel State Park - Part 1

Last Sunday we took a field trip to the Natural Tunnel State Park in Virgina.

Since it was off season we could not ride the lift down.
So, we took the trail. If need be click on the next picture to read.
Next, we start down the winding trail.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Bristol Speedway Christmas lights

Saturday night we took Tanner and Taylor to the light festival at the Bristol speedway. This was the 16th annual festival of lights. They charge $15 per car and proceeds go to local charities. You also get to drive on the racetrack.

They are servicing a race car in the pits.
You can see the skaters reflection in the ice.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

October to December

Scenery changes fast around here. Look at October and December.

Can you see Suzanne waving from the deck?
Bet you could now!